
Grant Applications for Calne on 05/08/2014


Grant Type

Project Title


Amount Required


Community Area Grant

North End Park CCTV Coverage

Calne Town Council




Grant Type

Project Title


Amount Required


Community Area Grant

North End Park CCTV Coverage

Calne Town Council


Submitted: 06/05/2014 14:28:27

ID: 794

Current Status: Application Received

To be considered at this meeting:
05/08/2014 Calne

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
£501 - £5000

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept
This funding is needed to make an enhancement to the provision of CCTV already funded by the Parish Precept. Currently, the Precept covers the full-cost of CCTV provision across the Calne town area (annually costing £20,000). Enhancements cannot currently be met from the Precept due to existing commitments from central funds for community facilites and services. The freezing of the Parish Precept in 2013/14 leaves the Council with few reserves with which to respond to newly identified need.

5. Project title?
North End Park CCTV Coverage

6. Project summary:
To add an additional camera and cabling to the existing inventory of 5 static and 8 moveable CCTV cameras. This is in response to a consistent anti-social and criminal behaviour incident rate at North End Park. This project aims to create a safer environment both for local residents and the community of children and young people who use the facility.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Calne North

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
SN11 9EE

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
Safer communities
Sport, play and recreation

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
Reserves are committed to long-standing development works within the town and are reserved for emergency works that become apparent throughout the financial year. Use of reserves would limit the Council\\\'s responsiveness to maintenance and developments in-year. Also, due to the uncertainty of local government finance the Council is supporting future year\\\'s precepts in an attempt to limit the burden to the taxpayer.

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)


(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed


Supply/fit cabling/camera


Our reserves








11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
Calne Town Council own and manage the Town Centre CCTV system. This covers the majority of the Town Centre, and aims to: • Assist the Police with the prevention and detection of crime • Help deter crime • Reduce the fear of crime • Create a safe environment for the whole community. This project serves to create a protective factor for children and young people using this community facility by acting as a preventative tool in deterring anti-social behaviour at the site. Children will be further encouraged to use this wonderful facility as this safety enhancement will be attractive to them; community usage of the facilty will be increased. The addition of the CCTV camera (which will be benefit from an infrared feature giving 24-hour coverage) will also serve to allay the fear of crime experienced by local residents, and the actual anti-social and criminal behaviour that takes place at the site on occasion, and which is routinely addressed by Wiltshire Police. Wiltshire Police fully back this enhancement to the CCTV system and are very positive about the effectiveness of CCTV in meeting the above objectives. The Police will benefit by being able to respond to incidents observed by CCTV volunteers more quickly and at the time of any incident, rather that reactively attempting to investigate incidents without the benefit of CCTV footage. The residents of Calne will benefit by having even broader CCTV coverage across the town. The system records 24 hours per day, and is monitored by a team of volunteers who provide over 200 hours of manned coverage per month. Monitoring is the most effective way of dealing with incidents in progress, and CCTV operators have proved invaluable in their work to assist the local Police.

14. How will you monitor this?
Each year, the Town Council CCTV manager writes an annual report on the use and effectiveness of the CCTV system. In future, this will include the effectiveness of cameras located at North End Park and how well it is adding to the safety and security of the area. It will include number of incidents and outcomes.

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
In future, the running costs of the CCTV system, and the maintenance and renewal costs, will fall within the bounds of the Parish Precept.

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over £500 & 2 quotes for project costs over £1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):
yes I will make available on request evidence of ownership of buildings/land
yes I will make available on request the relevant planning permission for the project.
yes I will make available on request any other form of licence or approval for this project has been received prior to submission of this grant application.

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.